Sık Sorulan Sorular
Frequently Asked Question
You can find frequently asked questions regarding hair transplantation legislation and practices here.

Frequently Asked Question
Who Should Have a Hair Transplant?
Men with androgenic type hair loss (due to age, hormones and familial inheritance) are the patient group to whom hair transplantation is most frequently performed. Therefore, the most common aesthetic intervention in men is hair transplantation. In addition, those who have bare areas in their hair or eyebrows after burns; Those who have had transplantation before but were not satisfied; People who have partially bald areas after facelift surgery; Those who have partially bald areas due to some diseases and those with female pattern hair loss are candidate groups for the hair team.
Who Should Perform Hair Transplantation?
It should be performed by expert healthcare personnel trained in hair transplantation.
Where and under what conditions is hair transplantation performed?
Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure and should be performed in a hospital environment to avoid possible complications.
How Can I Know If I Am Suitable For Hair Transplantation?
During the meeting; Hair analysis, hair loss type and donor area checks will be performed by the team and it will be decided that you are not suitable. There is no reason why people with healthy hair in the nape area should not have a hair transplant.
How Much Hair Do I Need?
The amount of hair needed is determined by hair analysis performed by the physician. After the type of spill is determined, tightening can be applied to areas that are likely to spill. In cases where a single session is not sufficient, the best results are usually achieved after the second session.
How Long Does Hair Transplantation Take?
Hair transplantation takes about 4 – 8 hours. After hair transplantation, if the person does not want this procedure to be known in his/her business and social circle, he/she needs approximately 7 days. If he does not have such concerns, he can return to his daily life within 1 day.
How Long Does It Take to Get New Hair?
After the procedure, red crusts appear on the transplantation area. You can prevent this by washing your head once a day. The crusts are completely shed within 5-6 days. The transplanted hair also falls out along with the crusts. Thus, the patient returns to his pre-transplantation appearance within 7 to 15 days. Afterwards, there will be no change in its appearance for about a month. New hair starts to grow after 2 months. The change in the patient is most visible in the 3rd and 4th months. In later periods, it sometimes takes 7-8 months for all the hair to grow. A person’s nutrition and especially their psychological state after hair transplantation are of great importance in terms of hair growth.
Does Hair Transplantation Have Any Disadvantages in Terms of Patient Health?
This procedure is an extremely risk-free procedure performed entirely under local anesthesia. No side effects that may affect health have occurred in the post-procedure period to date.
What are the Causes of Hair Loss?
Hair loss can occur due to many reasons and has different names depending on the cause. The most common of these is androgenetic hair loss; It occurs as a result of the effects of male hormones on sensitive hair follicles. Although the cause of alopecia areata is not exactly known, it is thought that this disease is caused by the person’s own immune system. Personal hair loss occurs as a result of damage to one’s own hair. Hair loss may also occur as a result of exposure to certain chemicals, such as radiation or chemotherapy drugs. It may occur due to stressful events such as giving birth, ending a pregnancy, starting or stopping using birth control pills, or the pre-menopausal period, or it may occur as a result of sudden and severe mental violence. In addition, some diseases that damage hair follicles can also cause hair loss. Skin tumors and serious bacterial, viral or fungal infections are just a few of these diseases.
What are the Types of Hair Loss?
- Physiological hair loss: Sudden hair loss seen in the first few days of newborn babies’ lives or widespread hair loss seen after birth in a pregnant woman is physiological. These are mostly temporary.
- Androgenetic hair loss: This is the most common type of hair loss that many men and women suffer from for cosmetic reasons. Essentially, it is the effects of male hormones on genetically sensitive hair follicles.
- Alopecia areata: It is mostly seen in young and middle-aged people. Although the cause is unknown, it is thought that this disease is caused by the person’s own immune system.
- Personal hair loss: It occurs as a result of consciously or unconsciously damaging one’s own hair.
- Anagen effluvium: It is the name given to sudden hair loss that occurs as a result of exposure to some chemicals or radiation. It is mostly seen due to chemotherapy and radiotherapy administered to cancer patients.
- Telogen effluvium: Hair loss due to physical or mental stress.
- Wound-induced hair loss: Hair loss seen on and around areas exposed to physical or chemical trauma.
Does Stress Cause Hair Loss?
Stress can cause widespread hair loss in some cases. This type of hair loss, also called telogen effluvium, is different from androgenetic alopecia. If the cause of stress is eliminated, the hair lost for this reason will grow back in about a year.
What are the possible complications after hair transplantation?
If the person who underwent hair transplantation has acneic skin, there may be some acne for 2 to 4 months. However, as the hair grows, it decreases and disappears completely.
Who Shouldn’t Have a Hair Transplant?
We can list the people who cannot undergo hair transplantation as follows:
- Individuals under the age of 18,
- diabetics,
- blood pressure patients,
- People who have very little, sparse or no hair on the nape of their neck where tissue will be removed.